Thursday, August 21, 2008

JODA - TIME a good option

Did you have headaches with Date and Calendar Java Classes? Effectively is one problem but thanks to the Joda-Time Project is most flexible manages its.

JODA - TIME is a project inside the JODA project which has such objective improve core Java functionality. Moreover represents the project most active.

Here has some of the characteristics most important:

  • Easy to Use
  • Easy to Extend
  • Calendar Support
  • Compressive Feature Set
Below you can see some examples of use:
  • About the constructor: With the DateTime Object you can create a date object through 12 different forms

  • Retrieves date components is more precise, bellow shows such as retrieve all possibles combination of days to a date

  • You can make date operations most easily. For example if you want add days, months, years to specific date can use some similar method:

Don't forget use, is a good alternative.....

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